Mothers Turn to God

Mothers Turn to God

Being a parent is arguably the most wonderfully rewarding and, simultaneously, the most challenging job in the world. While both parents are equally important, mothers, undeniably, play a vital role in raising our children. With wisdom and kindness, mothers nurture our young ones as they navigate the complexities of growing up. Proverbs 31: 26

Words alone cannot express the hardship, and in some cases, the devastation that the COVID-19 Pandemic has brought on our lives and the lives of our children. Though necessary to reduce virus transmission, the closing of schools has robbed our children of a holistic, social learning environment in which they can thrive. This is especially true for vulnerable families.

Schools were imperfect before the pandemic, but their absence has put additional pressure on already stressed parents. This is particularly true for parents of younger children, single parents, and underemployed parents.

Now forced to find scare resources create a learning environment on their own at home, to be the primary supervisor of remotely delivered lessons and to provide wholesome round-the-clock activities for stimulation among many other new responsibilities, at a time when they too may have lost income or have had to make radical adjustments, can be overwhelming.

For too many of our children, the pandemic has exposed them to new dangers in their restricted environments, or less access to nutritious meals, or both.

As if that wasn’t enough, we turn on the news and are bombarded with horrific stories of violence against children. Our collective hearts bleed for our nation.

In these times of anxiety, transgression and despair, we turn to our God. We need not fear or be dismayed for He will help and strengthen us with His righteous hand. Isaiah 41:10

With His divine guidance, as mothers, as parents, we MUST prevail. Our children need us to rise to the occasion and set a good example for them to follow. Our children need us to show patience, humility, and encouragement in the face of adversity. Our children need us to demonstrate our unwavering faith in God in times of tribulation. Colossians 3:21

On this very special Mothers' Day, we boldly declare that through prayer and with the support of our church and church community, we WILL prevail.

We know that our Lord God is with us. We know that He provides us with the courage, guidance and strength we need to raise our children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Joshua 1: 9 and Ephesians 6: 4.

In times of bounty and in times of peril, as mothers, we turn to God

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